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New dancers are always welcome. We practise September through April, Thursdays 7-9pm, Malling Community Centre, Spences Lane, Lewes BN7 2HQ.

In March 2014 Commercial Square Bonfire Society exported their very own brand of madness to Waldshut in Germany.
The group were under strict orders to perform something unique that summarised English eccentricity.
After many long hours and much deep thought a cunning plan was devised: To combine Morris dancing and Bonfire.
And so, from the crucible of Lewes Bonfire, Morris dancing, and German hospitality, Blackpowder Morris was born.
When 'The Black Powder' returned to England they found they had become Morris Dancers (as opposed to 'morris dancers') and were asked to perform at local events and venues.
Black Powder Morris continue to practise, play, and enjoy their own version of morris dancing. They write dances, drink ale, laugh, and work at the merry business of The Morris.
New dancers are always welcome. We practise September through April, Thursdays 7-9pm, Malling Community Centre, Spences Lane, Lewes BN7 2HQ. Contact us via the contact form below.